Words by Yentel Caers | Move explained: Switch Kono | Photos: P.Mackenbrock

Most people know the Kono – the 180° jump move – at the end of which you sail back in the direction where you came from. It is also the half of the Switch Kono (360°) where – after jump and turn – you continue to sail the same direction: Really fun and an underrated power move.
Before starting, you should be able to do most sliding moves because like many moves it starts and ends in a similar way of a spock, puneta, a.s.o.
For the Switch Kono, I suggest to take a medium size sail. For most riders this will be around 4,4 depending how big you are and the given wind conditions.
It is easiest to start on flat water – this way you can focus on the move (no need to time the take-off according to chop).
Accelerate to speed!
Bear-off slightly to maintain the speed when switching your stance and ducking the sail.
After ducking the sail and when backwinded, carve upwind by pushing on your toes with the sail flat over the water surface (40° from the water). It will be a bit like a lay down jibe – only back winded.
You will feel the power building in the sail – now push out, extend the arms and move them upward. Once in the air, make yourself small by bringing your legs and board under you.
Extended your legs again for landing – cushion the impact with slightly bent knees.
Let the back hand go! When sliding backwards, look into the direction you want to turn. Keep the board flat to prevent the rails from catching.
Continue to turn, shift the sail to complete the move and sail away.
Most common mistake:
The top of the sail catches the water. To avoid this by keeping your body weight as much forward as possible during take-off. Don’t “throw” yourself backwards… because the wind will do this for you.