
Tigo Kort

Tigo is a true Dutchman at heart, ready to go out and discover the world.

His passion for Windsurfing was born at the freestyle dream spot Brouwersdam, where he loves to share good sessions with his friends. Together they take every opportunity to go out on the water.

Tigo Kort


JP Windsurfing

Tigo Kort

The hours on the water have brought him to where he is today: 19 years old and full of potential. Tigos positive mindset and his will to learn are going to help him to become a big name in the windsurfing sport. After finishing college, he will be ready to hop into his van and leave his beloved home-spots to discover new places and learn about different conditions in new surroundings.

Personal Quote of Tigo Kort

My perfect day consists out of a long shower, eating croissants with Nutella and being on the water for the rest of the day.