
Robby Swift

Motivated by the love of windsurfing since the age of 3, Robby Swift has been an integral part of the Team for more than two decades. Robby’s world titles in Formula and Slalom, as well as his top three PWA world ranking positions in Freestyle, Super Cross and Wave, demonstrate his ability to excel in multiple windsurfing disciplines, proving him to be a well-rounded talent.

Robby is now involved with many aspects of the NeilPryde and JP brands from product development to marketing. His main love though is spending time on the water, either in perfect conditions, cruising with his kids or training for competition.

Robby Swift


JP Windsurfing
JP Wing

Robby Swift

Robby Swift loves spending time in the water. Having lived on Maui since 2001, he has been lucky enough to experience some of the best conditions on the planet year round throughout that time, so the special days are really special for him.

His other passion is sharing his love for the sport with other people. He derives a lot of joy from the clinics he has organized in Maui and Chile and even more from spending time in the water with his children.

Personal Quote of Robby Swift

Between surfing, winging, foil surfing and windsurfing, I can spend over 300 days a year in the water which is a dream come true for a boy who grew up in the UK dreaming of warm water!