
Riccardo Zorzi

Riccardo, the rising star of our wing team is based in Lake Garda, Italy. One of the best spots in the world to get as much time on water as it needs to become one of the best wingfoiler on the planet. His most exciting competition was in Tarifa, in 2021, when he climbed on the podium during the stage of the GWA Tour. Since then, he is constantly working on his performance and always comes up with crazy tricks.

Riccardo Zorzi


JP Wing

Riccardo Zorzi

Riccardo often trains in good company; his younger brother Sebastiano is also an aspiring wingfoiler. As brothers are, they often push themselves to the limit to be better than the other. He is constantly training to achieve his goals and maybe someday can take part in the olympic games.

Personal Quote of Riccardo Zorzi

see you in the water to have fun together!