Meli (5 years) and daddy Basti in Gostoso

Photo: Windpaparazzi

Often one wonders when is the right time to start sailing. Here we have 2 Young Guns – Meli and Tobi – who probably would state, “you can’t be too young!” …at least when you see them in action and the smiles on their faces!

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Video: Meli (6 years old) blasting along though the bay of Palekastro.

Meli (5 years) and Basti in Gostoso;  Photo: Windpaparazzi

Meli (5 years) and Basti in Kanaha, Maui

Meli (6 years old) in Palekastro, Greece

Tobi (3 years old)

and Basti

in Palekastro


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Video: Tobi (3 years old) and daddy Basti team-duck-jibe in Palekastro